Itinerario Lab Calidad que nos une
Certified teachers
Hours of training
Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean
Lab Calidad que nos une is a training itinerary aimed at the quality areas of universities in Latin America and the Caribbean. The program has been developed within the framework of the Plan for the Transfer, Exchange and Management of Knowledge for the Development of Spanish Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean (Intercoonecta) in collaboration with ANECA (National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain).
Throughout 9 months, 53 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from Latin America and the Caribbean have developed the activities, workshops and co-creation sessions that made up the itinerary together with 4 agencies and ministerial entities from the region that participated as observers. A total of 16 countries in the region were involved in the action; universities from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay participated.
It is an itinerary of 280 hours of training in which 40 co-creation sessions were held, led by 27 experts from 6 countries, with the support of 8 UNESCO IESALC connectors. The aim of this program was to help HEIs in the LAC region to have a technical team capable of designing and implementing internal quality assurance systems and systems to improve the quality of teaching in their institutions, and to strengthen a culture of quality aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. And with this, contribute to the region having a large group of experts in quality assurance and improvement processes; aimed at adequately equipping the external quality assurance processes in the LAC region, and to promote the exchange of experiences and the mobility of students, teachers and researchers, thus developing the region’s knowledge space.
General objectives
Workshop for the design and activation of the Network. Transnational Integration of Teams
The first activity was aimed at the identification of participants and the configuration of teams, to start with the participation of each participating HEI.
Specialized training sessions
Specialized training sessions that culminated with the preparation by the teams of an End-of-Programming Project, in which the results of the analysis of their own institutions in the light of the contents of the training were presented, and in which an improvement plan was proposed for their own institution to overcome some of the aspects analyzed through the SWOT analysis. .
The topics of the training sessions were the following:
Evaluation of the Projects and recommendations of good practices
The last activity was focused on the development of the evaluations, carried out by a commission led by ANECA composed of 15 international experts who agreed on the recommendations that were finally addressed to each of the institutions that completed their End of Program Project. The program also developed three concomitant products, one of which is a Model Self-Evaluation Guide to support HEIs in the development of self-evaluation processes; a regional quality glossary to unify Spanish terms related to accreditation and quality; and finally a study Diagnosis of quality in the HEIs of the region as a result of the reflections, analysis and evnedencias that were expressed throughout the itinerary, so it can be considered a field work that has counted with all the points of view and reflections of the participants in the itinerary.
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